_____________________ 18.10.2009 _____________________
_____________________ 17.10.2009 _____________________
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_____________________ 09.10.2009 _____________________
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_____________________ 12.09.2009 _____________________
_____________________ 05.09.2009 _____________________
_____________________ 27.08.2009 _____________________ our kennel C - litter is 1 years old - congratulations to all owners!!! New fotos of Blanco Solar Chala
New fotos of Blanco Solar Cordoba
New fotos of Blanco Solar Corazon Buen
_____________________ 22.08-23.08.2009 _____________________
_____________________ 25.07.2009 _____________________
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_____________________ 27.06.2009 _____________________ International dogshow in Parnu, Estonia all our dogs got excellent results! Blanco Solar Chala was Best Junior of the Breed, got Jun CAC and was Best Felame 2! Thank you judge Vyacheslav Verbitskiy for hight opinion about our young female! |
_____________________ 15.06.2009 _____________________ We have great news!!! She is first Inter Champion in Baltic States!
_____________________ 14.06.2009 _____________________ International dogshow in Riga , Latvia |
_____________________ 13.06.2009 _____________________ International dogshow in Riga , Latvia |
_____________________ 06.06.2009 _____________________ International dogshow "Estonian Winner 2009" Dogo Argentino Perro Pelea Cordobes Zamba the winner of champion class, Best female, Best of Breed, CACIB and Estonian Winner 2009!
Big thanks to Pille Saar for beautiful fotos! |
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_____________________ 24.04.2009 _____________________ International show in Lahti, Finland - Perro Pelea Cordobes Zamba Winner of Champion Class, Best Female-1, FIN CAC, CACIB, BOO! |
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_____________________ 18.04.2009 _____________________ National show in Sillamae - Blanco Solar Chala Best Puppy of the Breed. Thank you judge Lessi Chistjakova! |
_____________________ 04.04.2009 _____________________ Dogo Argentino Blanco Solar Chala on her first show in Rakvere, Estonia - Best puppy of the breed! |
_____________________ 14.02.2009 _____________________ Special show for malloss in Tallinn ( Estonia ) – dogo argentino PERRO PELEA CORDOBES ZAMBA |
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_____________________ 17.01.2009 _____________________ PERRO PELEA CORDOBES ZAMBA is the Best Dogo Argentino of 2008 year! According the results of Estonian Mastifs Club.